I got
Bob's Red Mill Organic Coconut Flour, 16-Ounce Units (Pack of 4)
delivered from Amazon today and tried it out. I'd never even heard of coconut flour until I ran across this product.
2 tbsp has 10 g. of carbs, 6 of which is dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is a good thing, not getting absorbed so not needing insulin for the body to use. Just a guess, that's probably about how much is needed to make one biscuit.
I made a batch of low carb biscuits using the following recipe.
1/2 cup corn muffin mix
1/2 cup coconut flour
1 egg
a small splash of cooking oil
milk until the mixture is the right consistency
The consistency I'm looking for is wet, but sticky. Sticks to a spoon, needing to be dropped onto a backing pan by using your thumb to get it off the spoon (or another spoon).
I cooked it in a covered electric skillet, but baking at about 350 for about 10 minutes seems about right. Bake until the outside starts getting golden brown.
The coconut flour has a strong, pleasant odor of coconut. It really smells good. The coconut taste isn't really in the biscuits, they have a light, fluffy taste and texture. But there is a slight coconut aftertaste.
So far I like the product.
I bought some brown sugar substitute at the store this morning -- a box of equal mixed with an artificial (no carb) molasses flavor.
Later today I'll try some peanut butter cookies, with peanut butter, margarine, coconut flour, and brown sugar substitute. I actually won a blue ribbon at for peanut butter cookies at a county fair in Bee County Texas back in the 10th grade. I'm expecting the ones I'll make later today to be an improvement on those award winning cookies.
Labels: bisquit, coconut flour, peanut butter cookies