Friday, March 27, 2009

Banana and blood sugar

How does a banana effect your blood sugar?

12:30 blood sugar 121, Ate 1 banana
1:00 ate a large bowl of cabbage and white bean soup
1:30 blood sugar 146
2:30 blood sugar 151

Conclusion: Eating a banana isn't really a problem for a diabetic so long as you aren't covering it in chocolate and grape jelly.


Tracking Sugar

My bloodsugar was at 130 when I ate a thin slice of cheesecake (not a no sugar version, but just a cheesecake slice I bought at WalMart).

About 5 houea later my blood sugar reading is 172 and I was hungry.

My new regive is to try to keep my blood sugar below 180 at all times and to limit my carb intake to when the blood sugar is below 130. So I opened a can of Tuna.

Next time I'll have to limit that cheesecake intake to about a half of a thin slice.

UPDATE: It took about 12 hours after eating the cheesecake to get the blood sugar back down to 121 -- at one point it got to 207. The 12 hour period included eating a lot of cabbage soup and a brisk walk of about 6/10 mile.
