Monday, May 21, 2007

Serving size

I have two bottles of Diet Coke on the table in front of me. One is a 1/2 liter (16.9 oz) and the other is 12 oz.

In the Nutrition Facts on the side one says a serving size is 8oz. The other says 12oz.

They are both Diet Coke.

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Plum juice

I have a plum tree in my backyard. I think it needs to be trimmed down a bit, it has a lot of plums, and they are real small and very tart. They really aren't edible unless you leave them on the tree to ripen and they're still very small and if they get ripe the birds get them.

I don't really know how much sugar they have in them. So, I've started picking them way before they ripe, just as they turn color, and throw a handful in a pot of water to boil for while, then drain off the water, mixing it with some lemon juice/artificial sweetener mix I drink a lot.

It actually comes out pretty good. The plums are tart but they still soften the lemon.

I just wonder about the sugar levels.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007


I was looking at some packages of "no sugar" instant oatmeal today. Some off brand said on the label that it had 18 grams of carbs per packet. The same type of the Quaker brand said 25 grams.

Then I looked at the size of the packets. The off-brand had 1 oz packs, Quaker 1.25 oz.

So which has lower carbs?

I was so disgusted I didn't buy either one.


Monday, May 7, 2007


Amazon is just amazing, the range of products they carry.

These chocolates are sold through Amazon by an independent vendor which means you don't get free shipping. But do what I do and buy 2-3 boxes at a time and the shipping costs have less of an impact ($7 shipping for one box, $9 shipping for 2 boxes).

I ordered these but haven't got them yet. They reviews are mostly positive. They claim they have zero net carbs, which of course means they do have carbs.


Sunday, May 6, 2007

Diabetes and high blood pressure

The poor circulation of diabetes can lead to high blood pressure. High blood pressure, if you have diabetes, tends to cause other diabetes related problems (such as poor vision) to worsen.

A combination of diabetes and high blood pressure is very dangerous, it's something you need to be very careful with.


Too much cheese

I've recently found low carb tortillas at my local grocery store and have been eating a lot of them. That's not really a problem except I almost always put cheese on it. I'll make some kind of flat taco or a tortilla based mini pizza, depending on whether I spread it with salsa or spagetti sauce.

So, I've really just been eating too much cheese.

I need to cut back on the cheese and add a lot of fiber. The problem is that most fibers have too many carbs.

I'm going to have to try some of these Dreamfields pasta products I found at Amazon. Those prices are for 6 one pound boxes, by the way. They qualify for free shipping.