Monday, October 1, 2007

Sep 31, Monday

I'm writing this after midnight on Monday.

I took some pills this morning, and just took tonites dose.

I don't remember what I ate today, but I have been eating. I just put some defrosted pork chops back in the refrigerator, I was going to cook something but changed my mind, I'm having some chicken bouillon instead.

I've been sleeping off and on all day.

I've gone outside and puttered around in the yard a few times, I've been okay with breathing today, but my right ankle and calf have had some pain pretty much all day.

Alertness has been bad all day. I havn't played any poker online but have plaed some FreeCell soliatare game and lost more sessions than is normal. I've lost probably 4 out of 5 and a typical pattern is more like winning 4 out of 5.

I did find some checks I had and put them in an envelope to mail in a deposit. I've had a couple of small checks sitting around for over a couple of weeks without my doing anything with them. So I'm not totally out of it, but still not at an intellectual peak right now.

Maybe Tuesday will be a better day.



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