Sunday, February 17, 2008

Herbals treatments for diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that might be more ameanable to herbal treatments than others because of the nature of it's symptoms. Although not well understood, diabetes has been known for thousands of years. Doctors and witches have been treating diabetes with the means at hand for at least 3,500 years. For most of those years pretty much the only medicines at hand were herbs and tree barks. Some of them probably worked.
Diabetes is an ancient disease. Its symptoms, which include excessive drinking of water and frequent urination (to wash away the excess sugar in the blood), were noted on a scrap of Egyptian papyrus more than 3,500 years ago. The ancient Roman doctor Aretaeus of Cappadocia also gave a vivid description of diabetes, describing it as "a melting down of the flesh and limbs into urine."

Since then, many physicians have remarked on the sweet taste of diabetics' urine. Indeed, the technical term for this disease, diabetes mellitus, means "sweet flow" or "syphon." Because of this hallmark of diabetes, the disease was thought to be a disorder of the kidneys and bladder for more than two thousand years.

Although the future of a control or cure for diabetes lies in modern medicine, not overlook alternative herbal remdies while we're waiting.


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