Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Some thoughts on diabetes and sugar

Last year I was kind of depressed for a while and wasn't taking my medications regularly.

I even engaged in some really stupid behavior like buying a box of Raisin Bran and half gallon of whole milk and just pigging out on all those carbs and fat in one evening.

I started feeling real bad, my back was hurting, it got really bad. Bad enough that I decided to take a trip to the emergency room. Even driving was difficult for me.

I had very high blood pressure and high sugar. The high sugar wasn't surprising, given my recent binge eating of high carb foods, but the high blood pressure was something new.

But that's not really what this post is about. It's about the food they gave me while I was in the hospital (they admitted me). Carbs. Lot's of carbs. Breakfast with grits, biscuits, fruit, milk. Lunch with corn, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, cornbread. Carbs.

And, of course no exercise. Even though they were giving me insulin shoots (I don't normally take insulin) my sugar levels stayed high. The diet they give diabetics seems to have a focus on the nutrition side of the diet (and of course that's important) but they ignore the sugar side of the diet. With diabetes I don't think that's a good idea, even though that seems to be the approach recommended by the American Diabetic Association.

What the hell did they expect?

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